The Family BusinessHigher education has done amazing things for our country. It has come at a personal cost for some, however.Feb 17Feb 17
To my fellow nonprofit fundraising and volunteer engagement professionals…It’s a fair guess that I’m not the only person working in this space who has a long list of questions of how to move forward.Feb 4Feb 4
How Can I Help Connections With Their Job SearchThose navigating a job search need community and inspiration. This is where you come in. Let me offer some ideas.Jan 30Jan 30
I’m Rudolph, of SortsThose who work in non-profits must light the way for people to be helpful to your organizations.Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023
All Sorts of StrongI’m Okemos Strong, Spartan Strong and weak with exhaustion.Feb 18, 20231Feb 18, 20231
Hold Your HornsSometimes it’s better to see what lies ahead before judging how those further along in a journey are reacting.Oct 19, 2022Oct 19, 2022
Demonizing DifferencesThere was a time when birthmarks were viewed as the mark of the devil. Differences have a history of being demonized.Sep 26, 20221Sep 26, 20221
ReciprocityDespite common assumptions about those down on their luck, it rarely becomes a point of pride to take and have no means to give back.Jul 23, 20221Jul 23, 20221
False Equivalency of IntoleranceTolerance doesn’t require embracing intolerance.May 7, 2022May 7, 2022
Which Surgeon Would You HireSelling yourself to someone? Think about what matters to you in situations when your existence may be on the line.Apr 3, 2022Apr 3, 2022